
How download music from mixcloud

Mixcloud provides normally the mix' stream as an M4A file with a low bit rate. Several places in the internet describe how to get the originally uploaded high quality MP3 file. However this method doesn't work reliably on all mixes. Only a few mixes are still available as high quality MP3 downloads. This downloader tries to always serve the MP3 file if available. If the MP3 file is not available it falls back to the M4A file and would serve that.

This downloader bypasses the artificial download throttle. You can download a stream as fast as your bandwidth allows. When you are listening to Mixcloud the audio data has to come somehow onto your device.

But even how download music from mixcloud annoying is the speed. To solve these issues, this downloader works a bit differently. It doesn't provide the direct URL of the stream. It offers you a direct download instead. That's because this downloader is acting as a proxy. You tell which stream you want, the downloader downloads the how download music from mixcloud and forwards the data directly to you. From your perspective it looks as if you would download directly from this site.

However sometimes you don't have internet access, but still want to listen to your favorite mix. This could be in a car which is only equipped with a CD or USB player, during jogging with your MP3 player or while a flight without a broadband connection. For those scenarios you can use this Mixcloud downloader to download your favorite mix and listen to it offline. There are already plenty downloaders in the internet. Why did I create another downloader?

This happens transparently for you in the background, so that you will always get the best available option. You can check how download music from mixcloud file extension of the downloaded file how download music from mixcloud you are lucky and did receive an MP3 file. Also the download page itself will tell you if the stream is an MP3 file. If you just want to listen to a mix, use Mixcloud directly. That's the best option you have when internet is available.

Mixcloud URL Enter the URL as seen on Mixcloud e. Chrome extension Install the Chrome Mixcloud Downloader. Visit the Mixcloud page of the mix which you want to download. Click on the icon of the Chrome-extension to download the mix. Firefox extension Install the Firefox Mixcloud Downloader. Open on the page the context menu with a right mouse click. Click in the context menu on the " Download Mix" menu item. Copy the complete URL from how download music from mixcloud browser's address bar into your clip board.

Please copy the complete URL, including the https: With the complete URL of the mix, go back to this downloader and paste the URL into the Mixcloud URL field above. Click on the the Download button of the form above.

You can directly use that URL to download the mix. And that's exactly what all other Mixcloud Downloaders are doing for you. They spare you the work to search that stream URL. When you've done that, you will notice two annoyances: The name of the downloaded file is meaningless and you will have to rename that.

Actually you are downloading the stream from Mixcloud. You can think of this site as a software for downloading from Mixcloud, like a download manager. Instead of locally installing this software on your device and execute it locally, it is running on a remote machine and you are executing it remotely. Mixcloud Downloader Chrome Extension Firefox Extension Contact Mixcloud downloader This downloader allows you to download an MP3 fast from Mixcloud.

The above described browser extensions makes your life easier by automating a few repetitive tasks. But without that extension, a download is possible as well:.

This downloader allows you to download an MP3 fast from Mixcloud. Enter the Mixcloud URL into the following form to begin directly to download.

If you like this downloader, share it with your friends: If you want do download directly from Mixcloud only with your browser read "How to download from Mixcloud". Those instructions describe how you can do the download without a Mixcloud downloader like this site. However the recommended way to download a mix is using a browser extension. That will only work if you are using Chrome or Firefox as browser. In case you can't use the browser extension, follow the how download music from mixcloud without Browser how download music from mixcloud instructions.

I wasn't happy with the existing solutions. The existing downloaders do simply extract the stream URL and just give you a link to how download music from mixcloud URL. While this is nice as it saves you doing so by yourself, there are still remaining disadvantages: I find this extra step of right clicking on the link and selecting "save link" annoying.

Go to "Network" and see which URLs are opened while opening one web page. Try that while listening to Mixcloud and sort the list by size. You will notice the biggest address which is of the type "media" and has the file extension ". That's the actual internet address of the mix.

You can now use a traffic sniffer like wireshark or even more simple a browser like Chrome to see which data streams are transfered.

Also the resulting filenames were meaningless like 3e2c-db1-aeba6e. But this is of course not the main reason why I would build another downloader. The main reason is the speed. I used the existing tools to download mixes which are a few hours long which I then could listen in my car's CD player. Downloading such huge mixes took many minutes and if I want to prepare an MP3-CD for an 6 hour ride, it took hours.

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