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| How can i download![]() Highlight the URL address. Select the entire URL in your browser's address bar. Make sure you have the whole thing selected. Copy the URL to your clipboard. Paste your URL to the web-based downloader. Open the downloader site that you want to use and paste your video URL into the appropriate text field. Click the "Download" button to view your format and quality options. Write an Article Request a New Article Answer a Request More Ideas Determine if the video is protected. This is a more difficult and indirect method that should be employed primarily for subscription-based sites e. Netflix, Hulu, HBOgo, etc. If you're how can i download we recommend trying an alternate simpler method first in order to check. You can download it from obsproject. Run the installer to install OBS. Run the installer after downloading it. The installation process is very straightforward, and you shouldn't need to change any of the settings. Launch OBS after installing it. You'll be greeted with the main How can i download interface. You'll see a large blank frame in the center, and various options along the bottom of the window. Use your web browser to log into the video service and find the video you want to record. This will open a list of possible recording sources. Select "Display Capture" from the list and click "OK. You'll see a preview of the capture, which should be a miniature version of your current display. Uncheck "Capture Cursor" and click "OK. Return to the video and make it full screen. Click the Full Screen how can i download, usually located in the bottom-right corner of the playback controls. Find and play your downloaded video. The video will usually appear in your default download folder, unless you were prompted to select a location and chose somewhere else. Some services will rename the video to "videoplayback" instead of the title of the video. If you are having trouble playing the video it may be a file extension issue, as certain players don't accept certain video file extensions. This method will work for free streaming sites like YouTube and Vimeo. It will not work for subscription sites like Netflix or Hulu. Copy the address of the video you want to download. You'll need the URL of the video you want to download from its page. It is designed for broadcasting video to others, but can easily be used how can i download capture your screen and computer audio. OBS is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. Not Helpful 10 Helpful 5. What can you do if VLC for Streaming Video is not working? Answer this question Flag as Already answered Not a question Bad question Other. If this question or a similar one is answered twice in this section, please click here to let us know. Edit Related wikiHows WH. Downloading Internet Browsers In other languages: Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 3, times. Is this article up to date? Cookies make wikiHow better. The method you use will depend on where you're streaming the video from and on whether or not the video content is protected. Sites like with free videos from multiple sources e. Right-click the address box and select "Paste" to paste the copied address. Click the "Tools" menu and select "Codec Information. Right-click the text in the "Location" box and click "Select all. Right-click the selected text how can i download click "Copy. Paste the copied text into your browser and load the page. By default, it will have the date it was recorded as the file name. Choose a web-based downloader. Use this method to download videos from popular free streaming sites. They will not work for subscription sites like Netflix or Hulu which are protected. A few of the more popular video downloader sites include Keepvid, Clipconverter, Videograbby, and Savido. Consider installing an ad-blocking extension. VideoLAN VLC and the browser extension are the only software that you need to download. Not Helpful 9 Helpful 9. Is there a way to do method 1 on a phone? If you have a rooted phone then you should be able to screen record with an app called "Rec. Click the "Settings" button. You'll want to make a few adjustments before you start recording with OBS. You'll only need to do this the first time you use it. Select the "Output" tab. You'll be able to adjust your recording settings here. Click the link to begin downloading the video. The video should begin downloading to your computer immediately. If the video starts playing your browser instead of downloading, return to the list of downloads, right-click the link, and select "Save link as. There will often be quite a few options to pick from, all with different formats and resolutions. The MP4 format is the most universal option and will how can i download on how can i download devices with needing conversion. The highest quality video will usually be p x The p option will often have separate audio and video streams, which will require combining later. Select the highest quality option for computers or most modern portable devices. Do you wish you could save your favorite YouTube how can i download Hulu video to watch when you don't have an internet connection? There are a variety of ways that you can download or save streaming videos from the internet. The video will appear in your browser and start to play. You shouldn't see anything on the page except how can i download video. Right-click the video playing in your browser and select "Save video as. Save the video to your computer. You'll likely want to rename the video before saving it, as it will be named "videoplayback" by default. Wait for the video to download. You can monitor the progress in the browser's Download Manager. Find how can i download play your video. Once the download is complete, you'll be able to find the video in the location you specified. This method has you recording your screen and computer audio using free recording software and will require you to play the entire video at normal playback speed in order to create a full recording. This still requires a subscription to whichever service you want to record the video from in order to access the content. Download Open Broadcaster Software OBS. This is a free, open-source recording and broadcasting program. Open the video in your web browser so that it starts playing, then copy the address from your address bar. Click the "Media" menu in VLC and select "Open Network Stream. Paste the video's address into the box. This will save the video to your computer at the highest quality possible in MP4 format. How can i download and play your saved video. You'll be able to find the video in the location you set in the previous step. Since the video will be in MP4 format, you should be able to play it on most computers and devices. I am a beginner in computers and don't have any experience on this topic. Do I have to download the software on the computer or is it an embedded software on the computer? Many of these sites have a lot of ads which can misdirect you or even infect your computer with malware. See Block Internet Ads for a guide on finding and installing an ad blocker for your browser. Microsoft How can i download does not support ad blocking extensions. Consider using another browser to download your videos, or just be careful when using the downloader site. Open the video's page in your browser. Navigate to the streaming site and how can i download the video's page so that the video is ready to begin playing. By continuing to use our site, you agree to our cookie policy. Home About wikiHow Jobs Terms of Use RSS Site map Log In Mobile view. All text shared under a Creative Commons License. Help answer questions Start your very own article today. Try an open-source media player like VLC or MPC-HC - these accept multiple extension types and should be able to play your video if the download was completed correctly. Find the video download helper extension. Video Download helper is an extension available in Chrome and Firefox also called an "add on" which once installed can help you download from most free streaming sites, including YouTube, Vimeo, and many others. Set your recording path. By default, OBS will save your videos to the Videos folder. You can change this to any folder you'd like by clicking the "Browse" button. Select "mp4" from the "Recording Format" menu. Start the video and how can i download press your recording hotkey. You won't receive any notification that recording has begun. Press the hotkey again when you want to stop recording. Since you're recording your screen directly, you'll need to wait until you've played everything that you want to record. Again, there how can i download be a notification that recording has stopped. Find your recorded video. You'll find the video in the location how can i download you specified in the Settings menu. This is usually the first option on the list. Choose a location and name for the file. After selecting the format, the Save As window will appear. How can i download to the location you want to save the file to, then give the file a name. You can also search through Google or a different search engine for either extension. Search for "video downloadhelper. Click "Install" next to Video DownloadHelper. This will immediately install the extension, which should only take a few moments. Visit the page for the video you want to download. Go to the video streaming site and open the page of the video you want to download so that the video begins playing. Click the "Hotkeys" tab. You can set a key to quickly start and stop the recording so that you don't have to switch between the OBS window and the video. Click the "Start Recording" field and create a hotkey shortcut. You can press any combination of keys. Set the same hotkey combination for "Stop Recording. Click "OK" to save your changes. The Settings window will close. How can i download your video queued up in your browser. This will create MP4 files, which are compatible with the most devices. Click the "Video" tab. This will let you adjust some resolution settings. Set the "Output Scaled Resolution". Match it to "Base How can i download Resolution". This will ensure that your HD how can i download recordings stay at the highest possible resolution. When you click "Download," a new page will open with a list of available formats and resolutions. Be careful if you're not using an ad-blocker, as some ads try to trick you with fake "Download" buttons. Look through the list of available formats and resolutions. You'll see the Video DownloadHelper button start animating in the browser toolbar. Click the Video DownloadHelper button. A list of possible formats and quality options will appear in a new menu. Select the format and quality you want. How can i download option you choose can have a big impact on image quality and how can i download. If you're planning on watching the video on your computer or modern mobile device, select the "x" MP4 option this will work on virtually all modern computers and devices. If you're having difficulty getting the file to play, try VLC Player or MPC-HC. Both of these media players are free, open-source, and accept a variety of video file extensions. Download and install VLC Player. VLC Player can access the direct video file and download it to your computer. You can search for and download VLC for free. Follow the prompts in the installer to install it. VLC will not install any adware. VLC Player is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. YouTube and Vimeo tend to be unprotected and a bit simpler. Sites with video content from one branded source e. Netflix, Hulu, or other TV network sites are a bit tougher to capture streams from, and thus require more creative solutions. Community Dashboard Random Article About Us Categories Recent Changes. Responses on “How can i download” |
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