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| Gorgeous kanye west download![]() I doubt they would mistakingly pay the wrong songwriters. I was hoping it was at mistake like the Murder to Excellence sample from The Color Purple OST. Anyways, if this is the sample, and it was replayed then shouldn't this say "replayed sample"? And finally, can you hear the connection? Can you explain what's going on here? I honestly don't think this is the sample. I'd like to hear joshyjosh or the other 3 gorgeous kanye west download 4 people who submitted ratings explain this. My Beautiful Gorgeous kanye west download Twisted Fantasy. Enoch Light and the Glittering Guitars. Project 3 Total Sound Contributed by joshyjosh submissions. You must be logged in to comment. Please sign in or sign up. Yo, when did this get changed? I think the sample is direct and it's just that one quick chord in the rhythm guitar in You Showed Me 0: This is too much obscure to credit. I can't believe Roc-A-Fella paid for this It is the one chord djkirsh mentioned. I'm not sure if it that part was replayed. But two guitar players are credited. I fixed the timing. With Murder to Excellence they were one gorgeous kanye west download off. Refresh the page to see the result. Adblock Plus Click the AdBlock Plus button on the top right of your browser's toolbar addons and click Disabled on whosampled. Click here to view instructions on how to disable your ad blocker. Thank you for supporting our work. We are considering introducing an ad-free version of WhoSampled. If you would be happy to pay a small monthly subscription fee to access an enhanced, ad-free version of WhoSampled, please register your interest here. Kid Cudi and Raekwon 's Gorgeous: You Showed Me by The Turtles Discussion You must be logged in to comment. Drpepperfan said 9 months ago: I'm with you on this. MrBlondNYC said 5 gorgeous kanye west download ago: I say from 1: DJ Kirsh said 5 years ago: Well can someone explain it so everybody gets it? Now I don't get it. Actually starts at 1: I've changed the timings. I think I got it now. It's a vocal interpolation. I still don't get it. This sampled is credited in the liner notes. Like Beach Boys wanting to sue Katy Perry and Snoop because of an ad lib he did in California Gurls. A freaking ad lib. I know, but how can you get sued for THAT? I was gonna ask the same thing. Not to mention the possibility of having your album pulled from the shelves and going out of print like Pharoahe Monch's Internal Gorgeous kanye west download. Best to just pay up and avoid drama. Finding the other sample should shed some light. Jay Rock's Money Trees sample of Beach House's Silver Soul. Drake's Hotline Bling sample of Timmy Thomas's Why Can't We Live Together. Jay-Z and Kanye West's Niggas in Gorgeous kanye west download sample of Reverend W. Please disable your ad blocker on whosampled. We aim to only serve high quality ads from relevant advertisers, and these ads help cover the cost of running the site. Cause I was always hesitant about this sample, but this is clearly the right version. I had to look up how admin saw this. On their blog they say: The notes in gorgeous are only a half step higher than the ones in you showed gorgeous kanye west download. Then there's also that one part at 1: The interpolation gorgeous kanye west download started with the guitars then i think. The only similarity I hear is when they say "I could see". Other than that, the melody is completely different note-for-note. Be honest, you would reject that submission. So the theme from the song use the way The Turtles sing 1: Is it enough clear? They sing the chorus using the melody from The Turtles. It was never a direct sample. They don't sing it the exact same way but the melody is there. You can get sued for anything. Whether they'll win is the issue. Better to just avoid all of that if you have the money. That being said if it is agreed that it's the vocals there which I don'tthen Kanye really shouldn't have bothered. This is not even a sample. DJ Kirsh said 6 years ago: I don't get it either. I can't seem to hear this one. You Might Also Like. We've detected that you're running an ad blocker. Here are the instructions on how to disable your ad blocker: Adblock Click the AdBlock button on the top right of your browser's toolbar and select Don't run on pages on this domainand then hit Exclude to finish. Sign up Sign in. Interpolation Replayed Sample of Multiple Elements 34 Votes. Kid Cudi and Raekwon. My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy Def Jam Sample appears at 0: Kanye WestNo I. Enoch Light and the Glittering Guitars Project 3 Total Sound Sample appears at 1: Related Songs Sample gorgeous kanye west download found! Songs that sampled Kanye West feat. Responses on “Gorgeous kanye west download” |
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