
How do you illegally download music

Where do you stand on the topic: Follow Question 3 Great Question Asked by Resistka November 13th, Where do you stand: Illegal or Legal on MP3 downloads Extra: Add Topic 5, questions 1, people. Add Topic questions 15 people. Add Topic 2, questions how do you illegally download music. Add Topic questions 9 people.

Are they not happy? Thats where I stand, how about yourself? Do you think Music should or should not be illegal? It is probably not going to cause a difference weither you pick Legal or illegal. But it is cool to read what you think about it, and maybe you include details others need to google, and then learn about.

Article One — Who are the After. Article Two — RIAA final Say. Does there need to be a restructuring of payment for artists? Hopefully all the illegal downloading will bring the prices back down to earth. Pirates are ridiculous, and I do not want to hear any of your retarded rationales justifying your behavior.

So, really, the only artists who should be against free downloads… are the ones who suck. The delivery of music used to cost quite a bit of overhead. You got the talent scout, the agent, the manager, the cost of the plastic or vinyl, the production costs, the delivery costs, etc.

Thanks everyone, some of your Sides give me ideas why to buy how do you illegally download music why not? Again thanks, and keep em coming! Your computer is not a record player. Buy a record player, get some vinyls, and get back to me if you disagree. PretentiousArtist I like my music without hearing the dust particles that the needle scratches over. My dad had a record player and the crackle in the sound totally killed it for me the music itself was crap too And since I am not an Audiophile, the quality on my PC is completely adequate.

How do you illegally download music since the digital revolution makes this possible, it should be done. When the money runs out, and you know you can find a copy of a song, there is no moral or market-driven motivation to not do so.

Thats not fair at all. Still paying money, but artists still need money…. Thats the flaw if MP3 downloading was legal in the U. S much of the population would probably switch o that.

I believe musicians make quite how do you illegally download music money, to much for the type of career they live. I know that it takes Skill, Dedication and alot of traveling to be a successful music artist, but there are many people with more difficult jobs out there. I think music over the internet should be acceptable, at least a amount of songs per month or something. Alot of the citizens in America download free music all the time, some get arrested but alot still get away with it, some not knowing it is illegal.

Music is a privilege. I like the free listening via Last. As to how do you illegally download music monthly fee you mentioned, Rhapsody and eMusic offer that.

Music that I love, I buy on CD anyway. I illegally download music I otherwise would not bother buying. Alot of artists are for ilegally downloading, because it gets them noticed and some actually see the beauty in a band, seeing its cool just to be known. I have great passion for music, Rap, Metal, Rock is what I enjoy, but any Musician is good at what they can do i guess.

PretentiousArtist And if you want your computer to be a record player, you download a record player Gen. It takes a lot of money just to promote and record. To join, you must be at least 13 years old and agree to the terms and conditions. Get the URL from the dismiss link, and scrap the "id" in the dismiss link YC.

Downloading, not Sharing Ex. Did you know downloading music in Canada is legal? Piracy drives up the prices for the people who are playing by the rules. Also, most musical artists are not super rich. I support illegal downloading. I only download music from major artists. When they are poor and struggling to make ends meet instead of having 3 houses, I will pay for it.

Do i pirate stuff anyways? GARRR IM A PIRATE!!!!!! Login or Join to answer. We had trouble talking to the server. Your answer will be saved while you login or join.

The Industry must adapt to this. Time for 25 cent downloads. Due to the illegal downloading of music, musicians now make more money from concerts than CD sales.

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How do you illegally download music Topic questions 33 people. Add Topic questions people. Add Topic 60 questions 2 people. Add Topic 5 questions 2 people. Add Topic questions 5 people. PretentiousArtist Your computer is not a record player.

Your purchase also supports the engineers, the owners of the studios, the guy working his way through college by working at Best Buy, how do you illegally download music lady who feeds her kids with her job at the CD factory, and, well, people like me. Is that a good reason to take something that all those people have worked on? There are lots of legal options. Plus, music is not something you NEED. Food and water you need.

Now, the delivery of music costs almost nothing. We are in a new paradigm. The producers of music deserve to be paid, but retail costs have not adjusted to new realities. If the Industry sold their mp3 songs at 25 cents apiece, then people would how do you illegally download music tens of thousands of songs over their lifetime. In this modern age, consumers expect to own how do you illegally download music of songs, not just a few dozen albums.

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