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| How do u download ios 7![]() Join them; it only takes a minute: Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Why can't I download iOS 7 on my iPhone 3Gs? Daniel 39 1 1 2. Can you please verify what model you are trying to install this software on? If it's running iOS 6 unjailbroken then we can say it's not a 3G or an original iPhone, but we can't assume it's a 3GS—all we know is that the poster did not properly identify the model. MathOverflow Mathematics Cross Validated stats Theoretical Computer Science Physics Chemistry Biology Computer Science Philosophy more Meta Stack Exchange Stack Apps Area 51 Stack Overflow Talent. Would you like to answer one of these unanswered questions how do u download ios 7 Sign up or log in to customize your list. Stack Exchange Inbox Reputation and Badges. Questions Tags Users Badges Unanswered. Ask Different is a question and answer site for power users of Apple hardware and software. Here's how do u download ios 7 fantastic compatibility chart for iOS 7: That sounds a bit awkward, so here's an example: Apple has a work around for older devices. Download the latest app to your computer with iTunes. Then log into the store with your device and select purchased. That's simply not possible, unless T-Mobile is jailbreaking devices now. If you went to a third-party dealer, I suppose there's a slim possibility, but even that would be suspect. Apple is a how do u download ios 7 of Apple Inc. This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by Apple Inc. Ask Different works best with JavaScript enabled. There is no "iPhone 3"— the first three models were iPhone, iPhone 3G, and iPhone 3GS. I have a 4th-gen iPod. It runs up to iOS 6. I recently wiped it and set it up for wifey to use. She had, naturally, no apps in her new account so she cannot install Find My Friends. I am unable to download iOS 7 on my iPhone 3Gs. I have iOS 6. I've tried to search on what else I can do, but cannot figure it out. It will likely work until the server is updated and stops supporting older how do u download ios 7. Find the app s for iOS7 you downloaded to iTunes and then select install. If an older version i. I have recently bought an iPhone 5 from Tmobile and before that I had a 3gs. The 5 wasn't working properly, so I took it back to Tmobile to get my 3gs back again. I also have about 10 GB of free memory out of 13 GB. You cannot download it because iOS 7 is not supported on any iPhone model prior to the iPhone 4. The latest version of iOS that will run on the 3Gs is iOS 6. If you purchase an app free in this case before the app is upgraded to require the next OS version, you can get the latest compatible version for your device. The how do u download ios 7 at the counter transferred everything to my old iPhone, and along with it, came iOS 7. I'm writing this to say it can be done, but with a lot of hassle, a waste of money, and a how do u download ios 7 of stupidity. Thank you for your interest in this question. Because it has attracted low-quality or spam answers that had to be removed, posting an answer now requires 10 reputation on this site the association bonus does not count. Responses on “How do u download ios 7” |
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