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Gza liquid swords download![]() We're also on iTunes. JULY-DEC 59 JAN-JUNE 38 OCT-DEC 7- IC on TUMBLR click it. IC ON FB click it. Cobras on twitter nothing to see here. RZA's "Ooh We Love You Rakeem" was also pre-Wu. I've been listening to "Legend of the Liquid Swords" from '02 a lot this week. I didn't like it gza liquid swords download it came out but now I get it - it's not a party record. The beats are so minimal and sparse to allow GZA's weird wordplay room to stretch out. Pure magic is the birth of my kids I've seen shit that'll shock your eyelids The sun and the moon, and even Mars The Milky Way and fucking shooting stars UFOs, a river flows Plant a little seed and nature grows. This world is yours for you to explore There's nothing but miracles beyond your door The Dark Carnival is your invitation To witness them without explanation Take a look at this fine creation And enjoy it better with appreciation Crows, gza liquid swords download, the midnight coast The wonders of the world, mysteries, the most. Andrei Bouzikov's Art Blog. Bang Your Head or I'll Rip It Off! Nobody Knows I'm Gza liquid swords download Wave. I Kicked Your Car In The Balls. The Loom Of Ruin. From This Gza liquid swords download - Lovecraftian and Dystopian Music. MAHUMMUHU GAL-GAL ME-GAL-GAL-ZU GA HUL AMAH-USHUMG Profile of an Artist: Dwight York And Nuwaubi ABANDON ALL HOPE YE WHO ENTER HERE Click this link for a random post from the Illogical Archives. Other Good Places To Waste An Afternoon: This blog brought to you by illogical contraption recombinant dna laboratories, inc. And it kicks ass. Download HERE Purchase HERE re-issue version Look at the mountains, trees, the seven seas And everything chilling underwater, please Hot lava, snow, rain and fog Long neck giraffes, and pet cats and dogs. I seen a caterpillar turn into a butterfly Miracles ain't nothing to lie Shaggy's little boys look just like Shaggy And my little boy looks just like daddy. I swear, I actually edited this post from saying "only full-length record" to "only record" before I published it, doubting that anyone would actually call me out on it. I should have known better. Naw nigga mo' intelligent! What could be better? Part of me wonders if this space-chess board is the gza liquid swords download one featured on the cover of Broken Hope's Swamped In Gore right. Download HERE Purchase HERE. WORDS FROM THE GENIUS IllCon Hip-Hop Trivia Corner: GZA's debut album released when he was still known as Genius holds the distinction of being the only record created by a Wu-Tang member before Wu-Tang formed. Posted by Shelby Cobras at 1: Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. Newer Post Older Post Home. Shelby Cobras - SF, CA. ILLCON RADIO click for link via RadioValencia. Anyway, Liquid Swords is the fucking Heater. Cage used samples from the movie on "Movies For The Blind. I think one should add Ghostface Killahs "Supreme Clientele" to the all-time greatest wu-spin offs. It struck gza liquid swords download like lightning back then and is a genuine masterpiece. Was there ever a better Wu-Tang spin-off album? It could be argued that ODB's 36 Chambers is in the running, but even "Shimmy Shimmy Ya" couldn't hold a candle to "4th Chamber" OR this album's title track, hook-wise. Liquid Swords wins, hands down. This shit was the soundtrack to life when I moved into my first "real" apartment circaand the cover art is particularly pleasing as well. I mean, come on. Homeboy-ninjas decapitating each other on a chess board in space? Holy hell I fucking love this album. If I'm ever to gza liquid swords download down gza liquid swords download a blaze of cocaine and guns, I want this to be the soundtrack. It's a desert island disc. Click image for link to profile. The IllCon Hall of Fame Seanford Peter Jack Aylmer Manslaughter Erik Del Tigre The Heckler Camellia sinensis Helm Crankenstien Schultz. Progression Towards Something of Questionable Significance. Thorr's Hammer The Neighbors Gauge Possessed To Skate Merciless Mutilation Rites Vinterland Neil Merryweather Zoser Mez Gentle Giant From Forgotten Being Phobia Disharmonic Orchestra Human Remains. Put ya muthahfuckin' chin in yo hand nigga! That's how to strike a pose! IC should be either all rap or all sports, either way, broier. I just read all those lyrics, thinking it was a GZA jam. Getting to the second verse, I was thinking it was painfully stupid for Genius. Then I get to "Dark Carnival" and realize that you made me read the lyrics to an entire ICP rap. Responses on “Gza liquid swords download” |
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