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Gta 5 the local![]() With the help of Chop, Franklin locates and kills Elwood, after which he and Chop are picked up by Trevor and Michael gta 5 the local safely returned to Sandy Shores Airfield. Franklin helps Trevor and Michael rob the Blaine County Savings Bankas it contains millions of dollars deposited there by Blaine County's corrupt law enforcement who extort money from all the local weed farms and meth labs. Characters in GTA Characters in GTA 2 Characters in GTA III Characters in GTA Vice City Characters in GTA San Andreas Characters in GTA Liberty City Stories Gta 5 the local in GTA Vice City Stories Characters in GTA Gta 5 the local Characters in GTA Chinatown Wars Characters in GTA V. Weapons gta 5 the local GTA Weapons in GTA 2 Weapons in GTA III Weapons in GTA Vice City Weapons in GTA San Andreas Weapons in GTA Liberty City Stories Weapons in GTA Vice City Stories Weapons in GTA IV Weapons in GTA Chinatown Wars Weapons in GTA V and Online. In all of his work, aside from Lester's assassination jobs and Michael's repayment for doing him a favor, Franklin never earns a single cent out of his dealings due to his shortsightedness and poor choice of people to work with. All of Lamar's jobs ended up with both of them nearly being killed by the Ballas and his work for Weston ends with gta 5 the local being taken advantage of in both instances where he does his bidding. Around this time, he began the life of a gangbanger and dope dealer and started committing various petty crimes such as carjackings and small-time bank robberies with Lamar. Franklin also worked for a local drug dealer named Marcus, whom he later killed. As being a repossession man, he is a skilled driver behind the wheel of any car. As shown during the GI demo, he was described as being able to make short work of the agents that were interrogating the target and is often seen as a competent gunman throughout the game. Franklin's Special Ability allows him to slow down time while driving, improving his driving handling. His special ability can gta 5 the local be used while driving any four wheeled vehicle or motorcycle. After losing his job at the dealership, Franklin started working with Michael. Franklin helps Michael rescue Jimmy from his yachtwhich was stolen with Jimmy on it during an attempted sale. Believing the house to belong to the tennis coach, Michael and Franklin use a pickup truck to pull the deck down, destroying the house. The situation improves or worsen at the end of the game depending on the choices he make involving Michael and Trevor. If he chooses to save them, he finds new-found support with them as dysfunctional but great friends, gta 5 the local if chooses to kill either of them, the other person breaks off contact with Franklin and Lamar goes into hiding. Franklin is also quite tolerant of other people's sexualities as he says to Beverly that he doesn't care if Clay Jackson is gay. Claude Speed Anywhere City Characters Gangs Missions Vehicles Weapons Radio stations Cheats. Claude Liberty City Characters Gangs Missions Vehicles Weapons Radio stations Cheats. Franklin calls Lester and asks Lester to talk to Michael about Devin, but Michael isn't answering his phone, and was last located in North Yankton. Franklin tells Lester to have Trevor meet him at his aunt's house. Trevor meets Franklin at his aunt's house to find out where Michael is. Trevor explains that the Los Santos Triads kidnapped Michael while they were in Ludendorff and that they have taken him somewhere in Los Santos. Franklin chases the O'Neils, who crash because of an elk on the road and escape into a forest in Raton Canyon. Franklin then calls Trevor for air support and eventually, Trevor and Michael arrive by helicopter. Using a riflefitted with a thermal scope, Michael shoots Walton gta 5 the local Wynn O'Neil dead, but can't get a clear shot of Elwoodwho is hiding behind a rock and firing anti-tank rockets towards the helicopter. Franklin Clinton is one of the three protagonists in Grand Theft Auto Valong with Michael De Santa and Trevor Philips. Franklin was born in South Los SantosSan Andreas in He never knew his father and his mother became a cocaine addict when Franklin was very young. With the gta 5 the local of Lamar's dog Chopthe two succeed in capturing D; however, they are gta 5 the local to free him when Lamar inadvertently reveals their location to the police while talking on his mobile phone. Things took a turn for the worse when Stretch returns from his prison sentence and goes to a drug deal at Rogers Salvage and Scrap which was actually an ambush. Stretch kills D and the trio escape with Franklin angry at Stretch for coming back. Vehicle s White Buffalo S Green Bagger Baller Possibly rental Player's choice. Businesses Armed robbery Drug dealing Formerly Vehicle repossession Formerly Downtown Cab Co. Optional Smoke on the Water Gta 5 the local Los Santos Customs Blaine County, Optional LSPD Auto Impound Optional. Height 6' 0" 1. Appearance s Grand Theft Auto V. Voiced by Shawn Fonteno. Franklin also decides to work gta 5 the local Michael, in hopes that there will be better payment from jobs with him. The trio escape Grove Street. Franklin's work with Michael, Lester Crest and Trevor Philips has caused him to distance himself from the Families. When Franklin returns to his house, Lamar and Denise heckle him for his "disloyalty" towards the Families. Franklin explains that he doesn't want to be caught up in the routine of gang life again and wants the opportunity to make a success gta 5 the local himself. How gta 5 the local actually go forward and who do you get to a kind of mentor you? That was a good contrast. The gang-banger in the post-gang-banging world. Games Movies TV Wikis. Explore Wikis Community Central FANDOM University. Sign In Don't have an account? HD Universe Grand Theft Auto IV The Gta 5 the local and Damned The Ballad of Gay Tony Grand Theft Auto V Grand Theft Auto Online. In contrast to Michael and especially Trevor, Franklin gta 5 the local an incredibly tidy person, always trying to keep his image, his gta 5 the local and his house clean. For the most part, however, these accusations seem unfounded - ironically, most of these discussions happen while Franklin is actually helping out his friends. Franklin's hostility towards Stretch becomes justified late in the game when it becomes clear Stretch has betrayed him and Lamar. However, if the player chooses ending A or ending B, the above accusations gta 5 the local confirmed. Franklin's ambition is also his greatest weakness. Infoboxes gta 5 the local, CharactersCharacters in GTA Vand 3 more Protagonists Gangsters Friends. Full name Franklin Clinton. Also known as Frank Frankie F FC Mr. Date of birth Place of birth South Los Santos. Betrayed, Trevor leaps back into his car and speeds off with Franklin close behind. The chase takes the pair around the city and eventually ends back at the oil fields. While chasing Trevor, on the approach to the oil fields, Franklin calls Michael for help. Michael soon arrives in a stolen car and rams Trevor causing him to crash into a gas storage tank. Now covered in gasoline Trevor pulls himself out of his car and drags himself through a growing puddle of gas accusing the pair of being Judases and angrily cursing them. When activated, it allows him to easily take corners at full speed and escape possible accidents with ease. By enhancing this skill, its maximum storage capacity is increased, which also increases the duration the ability can be gta 5 the local. Franklin's Special Ability begins at one third of maximum capacity, which lasts for 30 seconds of when at maximum capacity. Franklin is first seen on a gta 5 the local job with Lamar, soon after a chance encounter with Michael De Santawho gta 5 the local directs them to their assigned repossession. Retrieved from " http: Overview About Careers Press Contact Wikia. Create your own and start something epic. Start a wiki Community Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat Advertise Media Kit Contact. GTA Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Content is available under CC-BY-SA. Community Messages has been updated. Using stolen military body armour and machine guns, Trevor, Michael, Franklin and one gunman gta 5 the local rob the Paleto bank, taking a small cut each and giving the largest profit to Haines and Norton so they can purchase the equipment for the Humane Labs and Research chemical plant robbery, much to the team's irritation. Franklin arrives on Forum Drive in Strawberry and receives a call from Lamar. Altruist Cult Victim Antonia Bottino Castro Lagano Drunk Couple Drunk Driver Girl Hitchhiking Gray Nicholson Groom in Trouble Lacey Jonas Runaway Bride Saeeda Kadam The Lost Fugitive The Lost Girl Timm Ursula. Chef Christian Feltz Daryl Johns Eddie Toh Gustavo Mota Hugh Welsh Karim Denz Karl Abolaji Norm Richards Paige Harris Patrick McReary Rickie Lukens Taliana Martinez. If the player chooses the Deathwish ending, Franklin will initially complain to Lester that he "can't kill both of'em" before eventually coming gta 5 the local with a plan to spare them both. Grand Theft Auto series protagonists by Universes. Franklin asks for his help, but Trevor refuses, claiming Gta 5 the local is "dead" to him, and leaves. Franklin decides to rescue Michael, alone. He eventually tracks Michael's phone signal to a slaughterhouse using a Trackify app sent to his phone by Lester. They meet up gta 5 the local Lester and celebrate their victory with alcohol. Michael tells them he must settle things with the FIB, so Franklin stays and relaxes with Lester over some whiskey. A while later, Franklin is visited at his house by his ex-girlfriend Tanisha who tells him that Stretch set Lamar up again with a large group of the Ballas, who are holding him hostage at the Paleto Forest Sawmill. Home Forum DriveStrawberry Formerly Whispymound DriveVinewood Hills. Family Denise Clinton Maternal Aunt Tavell Clinton Cousin Unnamed mother. Main affiliation The Families Lamar Davis Simeon Yetarian Formerly. Vehicles Vehicles in GTA Vehicles in GTA 2 Vehicles gta 5 the local GTA III Vehicles in GTA Vice City Vehicles in GTA San Andreas Vehicles in GTA Liberty City Stories Vehicles in GTA Vice City Stories Vehicles gta 5 the local GTA IV Vehicles in GTA Chinatown Wars Vehicles in GTA V and Online. Liberty City Vice City Los Santos Blaine County Anywhere City Alderney. Tommy Vercetti Vice City Characters Missions Vehicles Weapons Radio stations Cheats. Mike Liberty City Characters Missions Vehicles Weapons. Toni Cipriani Liberty City Characters Gangs Missions Vehicles Weapons Radio stations Cheats. Unlike Michael or Trevor however, his relationships with those close to him is even more fragile and in the end fails to heal the rift with his associates unlike Michael and, to a lesser extent, Trevor. His messy breakup with Tanisha is left unresolved and ends on less than satisfactory terms when she chooses to marry another man over saving their relationship. His aunt turns his room into a safe shelter for women after he moves out and Stretch remains on antagonistic terms with Franklin. That seemed like an interesting character; a guy in his mid-to-late 20s who wants to move forward but doesn't really know how and is being held back by some of his more idiotic and dangerous friends. That world that they thought they'd be in and be able to make a success of has, thanks to the modern world or the changes in the economy or whatever it is, just failed. It doesn't really exist. They're now looking for something new. They've gotten their qualifications and gotten all their experience and all they're good at is driving and robbing. Victor Vance Vice City Characters Gangs Missions Vehicles Weapons Gta 5 the local stations Cheats. Niko Bellic Liberty City Alderney Gta 5 the local Gangs Missions Vehicles Weapons Radio stations Cheats. Because Franklin had driven through the dealership and Lamar didn't return the bike, Simeon fires the pair of them. Franklin is brought along by Lamar to kidnap a Balla gang member named Dfor no other reason than that Lamar saw "opportunity". He and Lamar meet up and travel in Lamar's van to Vinewood Boulevard and encounter D down an alley, but he makes an escape on a motorbike with the two in hot pursuit. Franklin shoots the gasoline which causes it to ignite burning Trevor to death after which the gas tank explodes. Walking away Michael and Franklin reflect on how crazy Trevor was and gta 5 the local it was this constant unpredictable craziness that caused his death. The pair then split up with Franklin remarking that the whole event has been an "illuminating experience" which Michael responds to by telling him to survive saying everything else is "bullshit". Though Lamar drives him crazy at times, Franklin still cares for his best gta 5 the local as he saves him from the Ballas with the help of Michael and Trevor during the events of Lamar Down. This, however, also leads to others around him to consider him "disloyal", most notably his Aunt Denise, to such an extent that Denise threatens to call the police on him if he sets foot in their yard. Despite what Denise says, Franklin does demonstrate loyalty for people that are close to him and for people who change his life, like Lamar, who is Franklin's best friend, and Michael, who helped him become a "three-bit" gangster and high-profile criminal. Franklin immediately heads towards the sawmill, and asks Lester on the way to contact Michael and Trevor to aid him in rescuing Lamar despite the current fractured state of their friendship. Franklin, Trevor, and Michael arrive at the sawmill. They proceed to take out the Ballas and Franklin brings Lamar back home to Forum Drive. Franklin and the team begin their final heist shortly afterwards. They succeed, and come off with millions of dollars in gold. However, tensions are still heated between Trevor and Michael. Franklin's life of petty crime caught up with him inwhen he was arrested and sent to prison. After his release, he decided to give up his previous gang life and get some legitimate work. A gta 5 the local months before the start of his story, Franklin moved beyond the role of ghetto-based street dealer when he and Lamar began working for Armenian businessman Simeon Yetarian. Grand Theft Auto 1. Grand Theft Auto 2. Grand Theft Auto III. Grand Theft Auto IV. The Lost and Damned. The Ballad of Gay Tony. Grand Theft Auto V. Grand Theft Auto Online. Grand Theft Auto III Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Grand Theft Auto: London Grand Theft Auto: London Grand Theft Auto Advance Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories Grand Theft Gta 5 the local Vice City Stories Grand Theft Auto: Grand Theft Auto 1 Grand Theft Auto 2. Franklin eventually succeeds in rescuing Michael from the Chinese Triads and the two make their escape from the abattoir. Franklin and Michael are called up once again by Haines for one more gta 5 the local They can either infiltrate the building disguised as firefighters or dropped off by helicopter, but either way, the team manages to recover the data and escapes. Franklin also potentially jeopardizes his relationship with his partners in crime Michael, Lamar and Trevor should he choose to kill either Trevor or Michael as the survivor loses their trust in Franklin and Lamar is forced to hide from Stretch. Many characters in the game Denise, Lamar, Tonya, Stretch, Tanisha accuse Franklin of being disloyal, arrogant, and abandoning his "homies". Michael meets Gta 5 the local in the desert and reflects on their partnership. However, in Franklin's reply, he notices Franklin's intention to kill him and escapes, eventually ending up at the Palmer-Taylor Power Station. They continue the chase on one of the chimney walkways and after a minor scuffle, Franklin pushes Michael off the edge and then grabs him while he hangs precariously from the rail. Despite not knowing them very well, Franklin also gets along with Michael's family, as shown when Jimmy befriends him and when Amanda responds kindly whenever Franklin greets her while she is home. He doesn't get along with Stretch very well, due to Stretch trying to pull Franklin into the life that put him in jail in the first place, Stretch's reckless and unintelligent personality, and later on, his disloyalty; he sells out people who are associated with Franklin. Here, Franklin can choose to save gta 5 the local or drop him, but either way, Michael falls to his death. Franklin helps Michael and Trevor fight off Merryweather and the FIB, then kills Wei Cheng in order to not implicate Trevor. Franklin's unique white Buffalo S. This type of Buffalo cannot be found anywhere else in Story Gta 5 the local. Protagonists Liberty City San Andreas Vice City Characters Missions Vehicles Weapons Radio stations Cheats. Protagonists London Characters Missions Vehicles Weapons Radio stations. Protagonists London Manchester Characters Missions Vehicles Weapons Radio stations. Franklin drives the Monroe onto the last remaining spot on gta 5 the local Packer. Gta 5 the local, Lamar, and Trevor then begin the drive gta 5 the local the drop-off point, the Procopio Truck Stop north of Paleto Bay. He is also a person that, even though he's being mentored by Michael in crime, mentors Michael in life. This helps build up the Father-Son relationship between the two, in contrast to their own actual father-son relationships Franklin's father abandoned him before his birth and Michael's relationship with Jimmy soured years ago. Franklin is much calmer than both Michael, who has a very short temper, and Trevor, who is a violent psychopath. This calm personality is often displayed during missions where he keeps it cool while fulfilling gta 5 the local task at hand, and when he is forced to act as the peacekeeper between Michael and Trevor when they get into an argument. The special ability also applies to drive-by shootings, as well as when driving the Rhino tank, making Franklin able to land even more precise shots while operating the main cannon. Just gta 5 the local Michael and Trevor, Franklin has received a very positive response from critics and fans of the series. When some of the illusions of this life have been shattered, what do you do now having been in that world? Afterwards, he meets Michael and Trevor, who had kidnapped Devin in his car, at the foothills of Mount Chiliad. After taunting Devin on their apparent victory, the trio push his car off the cliff and into the ocean, before the car explodes, killing Devin. Franklin is described as ambitious, but perhaps to a fault, and very eager to take on new illegal challenges. He is also described gta 5 the local calm, smart, rational and gta 5 the local "logical way of showing a young man with a lot of hope", with Dan Houser claiming that this would be a nice contrast from Michael. Yetarian owns a car dealership which acts as a front for a loansharking and extortion business. Yetarian's dealership sells cars to people who can't afford them and when they default on the exorbitant interest payments, Franklin and Lamar repossess the cars. Around the same time, he receives a message from Tanisha that she is breaking up with him due to her brother's death and fearing that Franklin's criminal lifestyle will bring her to harm. Trevor suddenly appears out of nowhere. After giving Denise some money and shooing her back into the house, Franklin angrily asks what Trevor is doing at his house. Trevor says his reason for being there is to "make new friends". Lamar informs Franklin that Stretch has arranged a drug deal with gta 5 the local Ballas, and Trevor decides to join them. Franklin meets Trevor near an oil field with gta 5 the local latter completely unaware of the true meaning behind the meeting. Trevor laments the fact that Michael has been backstabbing him and states that he and Franklin are friends. He reacts with stunned surprise and anger when Franklin pulls a gun on him saying that he is the crazy one, not him or Michael. Baffled, Trevor remarks gta 5 the local he has been nothing but truthful to him which Franklin accepts while still holding Trevor at gunpoint. Plot details, ending details, or both are in the text which follows. But I just wanna die with something that matters, homie. Contents [ show ]. Johnny Klebitz Liberty City Alderney Characters Missions Vehicles Weapons Radio stations Cheats. Luis Fernando Lopez Liberty City Alderney Gta 5 the local Missions Vehicles Weapons Radio stations Cheats. Huang Lee Liberty City Characters Missions Vehicles Weapons Radio stations Cheats. Michael De Santa Trevor Philips Franklin Clinton Los Santos Blaine County Characters Missions Vehicles Weapons Radio stations. GTA Online Protagonist Los Santos Blaine County Missions Jobs Vehicles Weapons Radio stations. Lamar calls Franklin a "moody motherfucker" when giving him the Bagger they stole from Simeon after repossessing it. His Switch Scenes implies he is lonely, as many gta 5 the local him roaming around the city alone, and further in the story, he rarely leaves his house due to lack of friends and family who are on good terms with him. Franklin does not appear to be able to handle pressure very well. If the player chooses to kill either Michael or Trevor, Franklin tries to justify his actions by claiming it "wasn't really his decision," or that he "didn't have a choice. Rather than attempting to bargain with Haines or Weston to at least pay him for betraying his closest friends, he only realizes after committing the deed that he was ultimately used and discarded by both of them when asking for more opportunities to work for them. The trio along with Chop drive to a house in Grove Street. Lamar is offered a sample from a cocaine brick, and is about to buy it before Trevor intervenes. Trevor snatches the brick from the dealer, and discovers the brick is actually drywall. A shootout erupts, and Franklin, Trevor and Lamar are forced to fight their way out of Grove Street when their van is disabled. Moments after the shootout, the LSPD show up to chase them. He likes also to keep his body in shape, as he's seen doing exercise, like bars in Vespucci Beach or push-ups next to his pool. He shows some regret his decision to become a criminal but is in too deep to walk away. In a similar vein to Trevor during shootouts, Franklin might shout at his enemies to shoot him. His lack of initiative hints at insecurity, which further demonstrates a possible mood disorder. Lamar tells Franklin that he's stolen the final car on Weston's list, a yellow Pegassi Monroeand now has it nearby, behind Glass Heroes Autobody shop. Franklin meets Lamar there, and the two drive the Monroe to Little Gta 5 the local Avenue where Trevor is waiting with a Packer filled with the other cars the group have obtained for Weston. After some time has passed, Gta 5 the local contacts Franklin to enlist him for the Vangelico Jewelry Store Heistwhich Franklin accepts as he sees this as his first major opportunity to prove himself. The heist is successful and Madrazo receives his money, with Michael and Franklin splitting the rest between themselves. Michael, under orders of Dave Nortoninfiltrates a morgue and kills several guards. In a panic, Michael calls Franklin and reveals that he is gta 5 the local with the FIBthough Franklin continues to trust Michael due to the latter offering him help while he was in a tough financial position. Collectibles Multiplayer Modifications Controversy. GTA IV Characters Vehicles. Michael De Santa Franklin Clinton Trevor Philips. Thornhill Omega Sasquatch Hunter Tonya Wiggins. While there, Lamar and Franklin get into a small dispute, arguing about Franklin's many efforts to save Lamar from problems he got himself into. Franklin advises Lamar to remain civilized and stay out of trouble, and to abandon his gang-banging lifestyle and get a proper job. Franklin is suddenly confronted by Steve Haines and Dave Norton, who tasks Franklin to kill Trevor, due to his violent behavior and general liability. Franklin refuses, asking them to recruit Michael to do it instead, but Norton explains that Michael can't because Trevor doesn't trust Michael and won't allow Michael to go near him. This is where Franklin met Tonya Wiggins and JB Bradshaw. Despite being constantly spoiled by his grandmother, Franklin had decided to gta 5 the local on the role of a street hustler. One of his first jobs was selling cigarettes with Bradshaw. The scheme was successful until Gta 5 the local grandfather caught them in the act. In Tonya's words, his grandfather "gave chase to both him and Bradshaw all around South Los Santos". After the death of his grandparents, Franklin and his aunt Denise moved into a house on Forum Drive left to them by Franklin's grandmother in her gta 5 the local. Franklin attended Davis High School along with Lamar DavisTanisha Jackson and Tonya, but was expelled gta 5 the local assaulting a teacher for an unknown reason. As a child, Franklin often heard stories about how his father was violent and physically abusive towards his mother, possibly causing her to turn to cocaine to escape being abused. Franklin's father left his mother while gta 5 the local was still pregnant with Franklin. His mother's addiction eventually led to her death when Franklin was a little boy. Following his mother's death, he moved in with his maternal grandparents. Missions in GTA Missions in GTA 2 Missions in GTA III Missions in GTA Vice City Missions in GTA San Andreas Missions in GTA Liberty City Stories Missions in GTA Vice City Stories Missions in GTA IV Missions in GTA Chinatown Wars Missions in GTA V. While searching for the bike, the two are confronted by the Vagos and a shootout begins when Lamar pulls a gun on them. The duo are then forced to fight their way out of the neighborhood. They find the bike, but the owner was killed during the shootout. Gta 5 the local the repossession is meaningless, Lamar takes the bike for himself, and Simeon blames Franklin for the bike's theft. After the heist, Franklin is tasked by Haines to kill Trevor and by Weston to kill Michael. Franklin must choose gta 5 the local kill Trevor, Michael or save both and kill everyone that had double-crossed them. In "Three's Company," he is seen wearing his L. Michael claims that he can "kind of see it. Franklin is a young man and is capable of tackling challenging tasks that Michael and Trevor cannot, and has a level of physical prowess that both Michael and Trevor lack. Franklin has been described as "fit" and "fashion conscious". He is mostly seen wearing a blue button-up shirt, a white t-shirt, dark blue jeans with white stripes and a pair of wheat-colored boots. In the "Michael, Trevor and Franklin" artwork, he is seen wearing a light yellow gta 5 the local button-up shirt and stonewashed blue jeans. He also sported the same outfit in "The Trunk" artwork. He is seen in the "Franklin and Chop" artwork wearing a tank-top, gta 5 the local shorts along with a bracelet on his right wrist and a black watch on his right wrist. Franklin and Trevor follow Lamar through a narrow alley into the Los Santos Storm Drain. The trio split up and eventually evade the police. Franklin, after being informed by Michael, gets employed by billionaire Devin Weston who asks Trevor, Michael and later Lamar to steal some rare cars for him so that he can export them to the Far East. He also gets employed by Lester for several Assassin jobswhich allow him to move to a spacious mansion that belonged to Lester. Trevor receives gta 5 the local call from Franklin, who on Trevor's request is tailing the remaining O'Neil brotherswho are angry and vengeful at Trevor due to his earlier attack on the O'Neil household, resulting in the deaths of most of the O'Neils and the destruction of their farm. The police discover the cars and give chase on the way. Franklin decides to unhitch the JB and use its weapons to destroy the police cars. Franklin has heard from Weston's lawyer that the has "some new hardware on board. Franklin reaches the JB and drives it off the Packer. Franklin uses the 's clatrops and newly included guns to take out the police pursuit. They drop off the cars, but Devin angers the trio by refusing to pay them, promising to "invest" their money and pay them at a later date. GTA San Andreas GTA Chinatown Wars GTA IV GTA V. Community Noticeboard Forum Staff RfP Policy Blocking Policy Media Policy Oddjob-ing. Gangs Characters GTA Titles Missions Neighborhoods Vehicles Variants Design Galleries Generations Speed Testing File Naming. Wiki Activity Random page Community Videos Images. Responses on “Gta 5 the local” |
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