
How do i find my downloads

Was this article helpful? Your Downloads panel and Library keep track of files you download while using Firefox. Learn how to manage your files and configure your download settings. You can access your downloads easily by clicking on the Downloads button the down arrow on your toolbar.

Right-click Hold down the Ctrl key while you click on one of the potentially unsafe files that are pending download and select Allow Download to save the file to your computer. At any time you may check on past downloads: The Downloads panel displays your three most recently downloaded files, along with its size, source and download time.

You can manage your files directly in the Downloads panel or how do i find my downloads your library. Options will appear to the right of each file during each stage of the download.

Potentially malicious downloads are detected using Google Safe Browsing Service. A how do i find my downloads dot will appear on the Download arrow:. Click on the red-tagged Download arrow to open the Downloads panel. The file name will be displayed along with the warning message. Other files covered under download protection may be potentially unwanted downloads explained in the Google Policy that may make unexpected changes to your computer.

You will be given more information about the type of unsafe file and the option to open or remove the file:. The right-click context menu includes other options for handling any potentially harmful or malicious files listed in the Downloads panel that are pending download:.

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The arrow will appear blue to let you know that there are downloaded files that you haven't viewed. Before beginning a download, Firefox will attempt to protect you from potentially malicious or unsafe downloads. See the Mozilla blog posts, " Enhancing Download Protection in Firefox " and " Improving Malware Detection in Firefox " for more information. If something is suspected, the download will not begin, but rather:.

You can change the folder where files are saved in the Firefox options preferences. For more information, see Startup, home page, tabs, and download settings. Home Firefox Learn the Basics: Firefox Version 56 Version 55 Version 54 Version 53 Version 52 Version 51 Version 50 Version 49 Version 48 Version 47 Version 46 Version Where to find and manage downloaded files in Firefox Your Downloads panel and Library keep track of how do i find my downloads you download while using Firefox.

Table of Contents 1 How do I access my how do i find my downloads Content available under a Creative Commons license. Contact Us Privacy Policy Legal Notices Report Trademark Abuse Source Code.

Or, a download may not be malicious or unwanted but simply not commonly downloaded. A yellow dot will appear on the Download arrow:. Click on the yellow-tagged Download arrow to open the Downloads panel. The file name will be displayed with one of these warning messages:. When you see a malicious file or other types of potentially unsafe files in the Downloads panel, click on the right-facing arrow to choose what to do with the file, as shown in this example:.

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