
How do i download

The Skype install file is about 1. When you run the install file, the installer will download the Skype application about 20MB in the background. If your internet connection drops while this is happening, the installer will resume how do i download download as soon as connectivity is restored. Do you need to completely remove and reinstall Skype for Windows desktop or Skype for Mac? Learn how to get started with Skype for Windows desktop or Skype for Mac.

Ask the Community Join the conversation with other customers. Contact us Our support team is ready to help. Send feedback What would you like to tell us about Skype? Help improve Skype Support Share your ideas with a quick survey. Footer links Other Microsoft how do i download Windows Office Surface Windows Phone Mobile Devices XBOX MSN Bing Microsoft Store.

Get Skype Get Skype. No emergency calls with Skype.

How do I install Skype? Having problems downloading Skype? Was this article helpful? Why has this not helped? It did not solve my problem. The answer was not relevant. Please how do i download us know why we couldn't help you today Important: Do not enter any personal information such as your Skype Name, email address, Microsoft account, password, or real name or phone number in the field above. How do I update Skype? How do I get started with Skype? I have a problem downloading Skype for Windows desktop What's new in Skype for Web and Skype for Outlook.

Thank you for your feedback. Thank you for your feedback Thank you for feedback! No emergency calls with Skype Skype is not a replacement for your telephone and can't be used for emergency calling. The Skype name, associated trade marks and logos and the "S" logo are trade marks of Skype or related entities. Home Skype how do i download Windows desktop Skype for Android Skype for iPad Skype for iPhone Skype for Linux Skype for Mac Skype for Web Skype for Windows desktop Skype for Windows 10 Skype for Xbox One Skype Lite The new Skype.

By how do i download this site you agree to the use of cookies for analytics, personalised content and ads. To install Skype, you need to download the latest version from the Skype website. Do not download Skype from anywhere else.

Responses on “How do i download”

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