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| How do i download from youtube![]() If the conversion doesn't happen automatically, click the blue Go button, and you will see the progress. Finally, click the download link when it appears. Then, you can treat the file like any MP3, transferring and synching it to an MP3 player, smartphone or tablet. For Android devices, simply copy the MP4 files s to the appropriate folder, typically Movies, using Windows Explorer. Then click Continue, close any pop ups and finally click Start at the bottom of the window. The file will save in your chosen format in your PC or Mac's Downloads folder. You could alternatively use ClipConvertera free online tool that downloads YouTube videos how do i download from youtube converts them into the format of your choice. Simply visit the site here, paste the full YouTube URL into the main black bar and then click once on your format of choice e. Press Ctrl-C to copy the highlighted address. Press Ctrl-V to paste your copied URL and click Download. Ignore the big 'download' buttons - these are adverts. From the list, choose the format you want. Simply click the link to start the download — ignore the flashing adverts around the page which are not download links at all. You can also copy the file to another computer or transfer it to another device here's how to convert videos for free using Freemake and Any Video Converter. Sometimes you have to pay for software if you want an easy life. YouTube ByClick makes it supremely easy to download video - or just audio - from YouTube. All you have to do is to copy the URL of a video and a pop-up will ask if you want to download the audio or video. Or you can set a default and it won't even ask: A single click on the Download button is all you need after that. You get a day's free trial to see if you like the program, but after that you'll have to stump up some cash. You use the browser to find a video you like, just as you would on your PC. When the video starts playing, a how do i download from youtube will pop up asking if you want to download or save the video. Tap this and how do i download from youtube video will be downloaded. There may be options to name the file, or choose which quality to download, but when downloaded, your videos should be accessible via a separate tab within the app, labeled How do i download from youtube or Videos. However, that's still not a reality. What's likely to happen is that Google which owns YouTube will charge a subscription for this 'premium' version of the service. The good news how do i download from youtube that it's easy to download YouTube videos to watch later, and here we'll show you how to save them to your PC, smartphone or tablet, regardless of whether you have an iOS, Android, Windows Phone or Blackberry device. You can watch these whenever you like, without an internet connection. Here's our detailed walkthrough on using TubeMate on an Android device. Here are the full instructions for downloading YouTube on an iPad or iPhone. If YouTube wanted you to download YouTube videos for free it wouldn't have come up with YouTube Red. All All Features Reviews How-Tos Downloads Forums. I saw this on Tech Advisor and thought you should see it too. For the ethics and legality of doing this, see: Is it legal to download YouTube videos? There are many ways to download YouTube videos, either using a browser plug-in or simply by pasting the URL of the video into another website. This takes you straight to a website where you decide what quality video you want and then press Download. In the meantime you can use vdyoutube. Copy the URL from your browser's address bar. Clicking in the address bar is usually enough to highlight it, but clicking three times should also do the job. By Jim Martin 24 Mar We show you how to download YouTube videos for offline watching on your PC, laptop, Android phone or tablet, iPhone or iPad. Back in SeptemberYouTube announced it would be adding offline viewing to its mobile appsallowing you to watch YouTube videos on your daily commute, or anywhere you don't have an internet connection. Sometimes you might want to download only the audio from a video on YouTube. The easiest way to do this is to find the video you want, then add 'to' in the address bar after youtube. Hit Enter and you'll go to the youtubeto website where the MP3 will automatically be downloaded to your downloads folder. Again, it couldn't be easier. The process is almost identical to the one described above, but instead of using KeepVid. You can then play it back using the Gallery app or another video player. How do i download from youtube you have an iPhone or iPad, import the file into iTunes and then sync it to your iOS device. Alternatively, you can drag and drop the file s to your iPhone or iPad via the Apps tab when how do i download from youtube click on your devie in iTunes. All you need is an app, such as Good Reader or another video playback app which can transfer files using this method. Of course, you can download YouTube videos directly to your smartphone or tablet without using your PC, laptop or Mac at all. There are a few ways to download YouTube videos to a phone or tablet. The first is to use an app, which we explain below. The second works only with Android, and only when you're watching video using the browser rather than the YouTube app. This method requires you to replace m. Also, as we mentioned already, YouTube is cracking down on these sites and dlvyoutube. These apps are regularly removed and banned from app stores, so we'll keep this article up to date with whichever app is currently working. Unless you pay for the Pro versions, you tend to get bombarded with ads but we'd strongly recommend you don't pay for them as they could get banned and stop working at any moment and you won't get a refund. All apps work in the same way. They include a web browser, which usually has YouTube, or the mobile version of YouTube, set as the homepage - or how do i download from youtube bookmark. Responses on “How do i download from youtube” |
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