
Gta san andreas killer city

Game s Grand Theft Auto: Location s Aldea Malvada. Retrieved from " http: Ad blocker interference detected! Wikia is a free-to-use site that makes money from advertising. Remove the custom ad blocker rule s and the page will load as expected.

Easter Eggs Easter Eggs in GTA III Easter Eggs in GTA Vice City Easter Eggs in Gta san andreas killer city San Andreas Easter Eggs in GTA Liberty City Stories Easter Eggs in GTA Vice City Stories Easter Eggs in GTA IV Easter Eggs in GTA Chinatown Wars Easter Eggs in GTA V Smaller Easter Eggs.

Overview About Careers Press Gta san andreas killer city Wikia. Create your own and start something epic. Start a wiki Community Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat Gta san andreas killer city Media Kit Contact.

The Cane Killer is an unlikely myth in Grand Theft Auto: This myth states that a criminal pedestrian with a cane can be found in foggy weather of the ghost town of Aldea Malvada. The pedestrian is aggressive and attacks the player on sight. A homeless man, or any countryside pedestrian carrying a cane, can be found as the Cane Killer.

Glitches in Grand Theft Auto Glitches in Grand Theft Auto 2 Glitches in GTA III Glitches in GTA Vice City Glitches in GTA San Andreas Glitches in GTA Vice City Stories Glitches in GTA Liberty City Stories Glitches in GTA IV Glitches in GTA V Glitches in GTA Online. Bigfoot Piggsy Leatherface Ratman. Easter Egg Room Apartment 3C Signs Adult Humor Rockstar Logo.

Nothing else is known about this pedestrian, and it's existence in the game is highly disputed. While video evidence of the Cane Killer exists, most players claim that it is fake and that the pedestrian is just modded into it. The user who uploaded the evidence is a very controversial figure in myth hunting, and his "too good to be true" type videos have led to criticism. A few explanations include:. If it were to ever be proven true, it would be a glitch.

Gta san andreas killer city Hunting Group Community Noticeboard Staff Policy RfP Hall of Fame. Wiki Activity Random page Community Videos Images. MythsMyths and Legends in GTA San AndreasSerial Killersand 3 more People Creatures Unlikely Myths.

Games Movies TV Wikis. Gta san andreas killer city Wikis Community Central FANDOM University. Sign In Don't have an account? Myths Myths Myths and Legends in GTA III Myths and Legends in GTA Vice City Myths and Legends in GTA San Andreas Myths and Legends in GTA Liberty City Stories Myths and Legends in GTA Vice City Stories Myths and Legends in GTA IV Myths and Legends in GTA Chinatown Wars Myths and Legends in GTA V.

GTA Myths Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Content is available under CC-BY-SA.

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