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Go to my pc downloadIf needed, select the account to which this computer should belong and click Continue. Create a computer Nickname for the host. Access Your Host Mac or PC Once GoToMyPC is set up and running on your host computer, you can access it immediately from almost any other Mac, Windows computer or Windows Mobile handheld that is go to my pc download to the Internet. Account Password - The account password is used to log in to the Go to my pc download Web site. Installing GoToMyPC GoToMyPC installation is only required for the Windows or Mac computer you want go to my pc download access remotely. To install GoToMyPC Windows or Mac 1. On the Installation page, click Install GoToMyPC. Click Finish to complete the installation of your GoToMyPC software. It can be any Internet-connected computer with a web go to my pc download located anywhere in the world airport kiosk, Internet cafe, hotel, library, etc. Computer Nickname - The computer nickname is the name assigned to a host computer Windows or Mac while downloading the GoToMyPC software. To remotely access your host, you need to leave the Mac or PC on and connected to the Go to my pc download with GoToMyPC running. Useful GoToMyPC Terms Installing GoToMyPC Access Your Host Mac or PC Useful GoToMyPC Terms Access Code - Your access code is the unique password go to my pc download you set up for each host computer. To remotely access your host. In your web browser, type www. If prompted, choose the account you want to access and click Go this only applies if you have multiple accounts associated with one email address. This will load your Computers page. To remotely access your host 1. Enter your email address and account password and click Log In. If prompted, click Yes, Always or Trust to download the GoToMyPC Viewer. When prompted, enter the access code for the host and click OK. The host image will appear in the Viewer window. If you are installing GoToMyPC on a Mac you will be prompted to enter your Mac login password. This is the password you normally use to install new Mac software and is not a GoToMyPC password. Enter your email address and account password these are the same that you use to log in to the GoToMyPC Web site and click OK. Create and confirm an Access Code that is different from your account password, and then click Continue or OK. Once GoToMyPC is set up and running on your host computer, you can access it immediately from almost any other Mac, Windows computer or Windows Mobile handheld that is connected to the Internet. To remotely access your host, it must be turned on and connected to the Internet. By default, GoToMyPC will disable the sleep feature on your host to ensure that you can always connect to it. To install GoToMyPC Windows or Mac. Go to the host that you wish to access remotely and log in to your account at www. If prompted, click Trust, Yes, Allow or Grant from the Publisher Authenticity screen to begin downloading the GoToMyPC software. If prompted, select an install location and then click Install from the Standard Install screen. Click the Connect button to the right of the nickname of the host to which you want to connect. If you frequently access the same host Mac or PC from the same client computer e. Once GoToMyPC has been successfully installed, you will see the GoToMyPC icon on your desktop. On Windows computers the icon appears in your system tray, while on Go to my pc download computers the icon appears at the top of your screen in the Mac menu bar. You are now connected and ready to start accessing all your files, applications and email as if go to my pc download were sitting at your remote computer! If your host Mac or PC's status is offline, then you will not be able to access that computer. Viewer - The Viewer is the window displayed on your client computer in which the host's desktop will appear. The Viewer window has its own title and menu bar. GoToMyPC installation is only required for the Windows or Mac computer you want to access remotely. Nicknames help identify different computers set up for remote access. Host - The host is the specific computer Windows or Mac you want to access from a remote location. You will install the GoToMyPC software on the host Windows or Mac computer. Thank you for participating in the GoToMyPC Beta! This section will introduce you to the GoToMyPC Beta and its features. You can provide feedback through the online feedback form that is displayed at the end of your session. Please see Feedback and Support for more information. Access Code - Your access code is the unique password that you set up for each host computer. You will use the access code every time you log in to a host computer Windows or Mac remotely. Client Computer - The client go to my pc download is the computer Windows or Mac used to access the host. Responses on “Go to my pc download” |
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