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| Git download only one directory![]() For a file, you would probably want a different approach, like a Download button on the file page such as https: Whether you are downloading a folder or an individual file, the download link should be in the same place. When I want to get updated files from similar repositories I'd prefer to browse in GitLab in the other project and right-click on every file I want to have on "Raw" - button "Save as". Can I download a whole folder instead of the whole repository as e. Downloading the whole respository would require several Gigabytes! I hear what you are saying mydigitalself and still feel that the download placement should remain consistent for files and folders. I thought it would download just the directory, but it downloaded the whole repository. I ended git download only one directory downloading just the file I needed. This time I was lucky i just needed one file. It's git download only one directory only possible to download the entire repository as a zip file. In git download only one directory situations, it may git download only one directory desirable to download just a portion folder of the repository as a zip file. When outside of the root folder, the download button should display the following options:. Download zip Download tar. This is using a similar approach to the additional functionality on the plus button where the context is highlighted by a group header. I think that is a simple, consistent solution mydigitalself. There is a similar issue dealing with individual files,do we want to include it at that level? That download link displays on a folder and will specifically zip it. Downloading single files would also take a lot of time because I need to right-click on "Raw" - button of every file. What about a new entry in download combo box: Download repository zip Download repository tar. Is it really so difficult to implement? I think audience would be given by "bigger" repositories. Hey guys, any news about my proposal? I would be happy if someone could implement this. In my opinion it would be a very useful feature. We need to agree on a solution and then write a good description so our community contributors know exactly what they have to do to get the MR accepted. I'd also be interested in this. My use case would be to get zips for each of the demo projects hosted in this repository to be able to distribute them individually. Hosting each demo project in their own git git download only one directory just for this purpose would be overkill. Mentioned in issue closed. Yes it would be great to download single files or folders. In my case i have my project and release builds in the same repository. Thanks in advance for support, Best regards, Daniel. My use case would be to get zips for each of the demo projects hosted in [this repository] https: Mark Fletcher markglenfletcher Mentioned in issue closed Nov 25, Mentioned git download only one directory issue GT-Anakin GT-Anakin commented Nov 26, Daniel Riegel riegel commented Nov 28, Great to see it's userful: Hope that Gitlab developers agree in my opinion: Mark Fletcher markglenfletcher added Accepting Merge Requests label Dec 29, Poornima mpoornima commented Jan 13, Daniel Riegel riegel commented Jan 13, I'm glad to hear from you! For those who want to try my program it makes no sense to download the whole source. Currently when the download button is clicked, the git download only one directory to download the archive is being served by gitlab-workhorse which internally uses git archive command to archive the whole repository. Finish editing this message first! Please register or sign in to comment. Select assignee s Assign to. Accepting Merge Requests Platform UX ready feature proposal frontend vcs for everything. From documentation of git-archive https: I'm thinking we can use the same approach to archive a specific folder, though one minor difference is that the archive would have the subdirectory path in it. If the repo looks like this. For my as an end-user Git download only one directory okay with deeper folder structure. Go to a project. Issue opened Nov 21, by Daniel Riegel riegel. Options Report abuse New issue. Some of our repositories are quite big because of binary files of its toolchains. But that's annoying when I want to download several files. Proposal When outside of the root folder, the download button should display the following options: Entire repository Download zip Download tar. Hope GitLab team, too: Any news about this feature? It would be of great help in my project. Kevin Kevin44 commented Apr 12, I too would be very excited to have this feature! Daniel Riegel riegel commented Jun 02, Looking forware hearing from you: Mark Fletcher markglenfletcher commented Jun 02, Mark Fletcher markglenfletcher added Platform label Jun 02, Mike Bartlett mydigitalself commented Jun 02, Adam Niedzielski adamniedzielski commented Jun 02, Mike Bartlett mydigitalself commented Jun 06, Mike Bartlett mydigitalself changed the description Jun 06, Mike Bartlett mydigitalself added UX label Jun 06, Robin Bobbitt ryehle mentioned in issue Jun 15, Sarrah Vesselov sarrahvesselov commented Jun 26, There is a similar issue dealing with individual files, https: Mike Bartlett mydigitalself commented Jun 26, Mike Bartlett mydigitalself commented Jun 27, Sarrah Vesselov sarrahvesselov commented Jun 27, Let's ask tauriedavis, pedroms, dimitrieh for their thoughts on this: Dimitrie Hoekstra dimitrieh commented Jun 28, I think a simple change can be quite effective here: Taurie Davis tauriedavis commented Jul 05, Dimitrie Hoekstra dimitrieh changed the description Jul 06, Dimitrie Hoekstra dimitrieh commented Jul 06, Dimitrie Hoekstra dimitrieh added UX ready and removed UX labels Jul 06, Mike Bartlett mydigitalself added Accepting Merge Requests label Jul 07, Git download only one directory Vesselov sarrahvesselov mentioned in issue Jul 10, Mike Bartlett mydigitalself mentioned in issue Jul 11, Mark Fletcher markglenfletcher mentioned in issue Jul 17, You are about to add 0 people to the discussion. 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