
Git download existing repository

Clone an existing Git repo Last Update: NOTE By default, Git will assign the origin to the remote repo you clone from. TIP Working from the command line? Go to Projectsthen Manage Connections if you don't see the Connect view. Choose your team's account from the drop-down in the dialog that appears and select which Team Projects to connect to Team Explorer. Clone the repository in one of the Team Projects by right-clicking the project and git download existing repository Clone Enter the folder where Git will store the local repository in the Local Git Repositories section.

Make sure you have installed the Git command line package for your platform as well as the right Git Credential Manager before continuing. You'll need a clone URL to tell Git what repository you want to clone to your computer.

You can pass in a folder name after the URL to create the repo in a specific location, for example: Microsoft Developer Network TechNet Platforms Microsoft Azure Visual Git download existing repository Visual Studio Team Services Windows Office All Developer Centers IT TechCenters Windows IT TechCenter Office for IT Pros All IT TechCenters Downloads Git download existing repository Download Center Microsoft Azure Visual Studio SDKs Windows Code samples PowerShell scripts.

Create a complete local copy of an existing Git repo using by cloning it. Cloning a repo downloads all commits and branches in the repo and sets up a named relationship with the existing repo you cloned. Use this relationship to interact with the existing repo, pushing and pulling changes to share code with your team. By default, Git will assign the origin to the remote repo you clone from.

Select Clone to clone your repo.

Most users don't need more than one remote, so the tutorial uses origin in its steps. Learn more about setting up remotes git download existing repository your Git repo. Working from the command line? You can view our video overview using command line steps on Channel9. Before you can clone an existing repo, you'll need a URL that points to the existing repo.

This URL represents the source of the git download existing repository you're going to copy during the clone. If you're using Team Services or Team Foundation Serveryou can find this clone URL in the web interface. When viewing your repo from the Code tab in the interface, select Clone in the upper right. If you need to clone a GitHub repo, you'll need to get the clone URL from the Clone or download button while viewing the repo on the web in GitHub. Copy this URL into the clipboard or store it in a place where you can find it easily.

Use the URL you copied earlier during the previous step in this article. Pass this clone URL to git clone to make a local copy of the repo: This clones the repository from the URL in a folder under the git download existing repository one.

You can't clone a repo without a clone URL. Clone from another Git provider If you are not using Team Services, you can still clone your repo in Team Explorer and work with your code in Visual Studio. In Team Explorer, open the Connect view. Select Clone under Local Git Repositories and enter the URL for your Git repo—this will be provided by your team or Git hosting provider.

Select a folder where you want your cloned repo to be kept. Select Clone to clone the repo. Open a solution in Visual Studio from a cloned repo Open a solution in a cloned repo in Visual Studio by right-clicking on the repository in the Team Explorer Connect view and selecting Open. You'll be taken to the Home view in Team Git download existing repository. Double-click your project solution file in the Solutions area to open the solution in Solution Explorer.

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