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Fun games to download on android![]() This is a turn-based affair, echoing classic RPGs, but its endless dungeon and savage nature transform it into a puzzle game perfect for quickfire mobile sessions. You must learn how foes move and react, plan every step and always keep in mind a single error can spell doom. In its current incarnation, Rust Bucket cleverly balances enough depth to keep you coming back with the brevity that makes it ideal for on-the-go roguelike larks. Perfect even fun games to download on android older phones and tablets of modest performance. Galaxy on Fire 2 HD is one of the most visually impressive 3D shooters to be found on Android, Galaxy on Fire 2 also chucks in some trading and exploration play to add a little more depth to the combat, making it into something similar to having your own little portable Eve Online. The result is a massive and very challenging physics puzzler that's incredibly polished and professional. It defies all the laws of modern retail. We're pretty sure fun games to download on android one's going to confuse a bunch of people, but if you're of a certain vintage, Heist will have you squee with nostalgia. Sadly, we've had some cutbacks, which means our air force is now, er, you. Still, we're sure you're going to love your time in AirAttack 2cooing at gorgeous scenery shortly before bombing it, surviving bullet-hell, and puffing your chest to a thumping fun games to download on android soundtrack. Sure, you might have to turn down the graphic effects a bit on older hardware, and it's a bit of a grind to reach later levels, but you're not going to get better freebie shooting action this side of World War III. We've heard Perchang called a mix of Lemmings and Marble Madness. That's a touch ambitious, but this is nonetheless a smart puzzler to test your brainpower and reactions. The story finds you aboard a sentient space station that's gone nuts and turned all its on-board mechanoids evil. Somehow and we're really not sure howthis has placed the entire galaxy fun games to download on android jeopardy. A shock move from developer Rovio, in that this one isn't fun games to download on android simple take on the Angry Birds style. Bad Piggies is a clever building game, which dumps you at the beginning of fun games to download on android big map with a pile of component parts. You then build a flying machine using the fun games to download on android elements, then try to fly it to the end of the level. Only Sky Dancer has a certain something that keeps you playing — and that certain something is leaving your stomach in your throat every time you jump. As you hurl yourself off the edge of one, you must quickly maneuver to land on a platform below. For a path-finding action-puzzler - Flight Control on tracks, if you will - it's an engaging and exciting experience. We do wonder when light-fingered archaeologists will learn. No sooner has the hero of Raider Rush grabbed a massive hunk of bling than the ancient temple he's in starts filling with lava. To escape, he must bound from wall to wall, like a hyperactive flea, making his way towards beautiful daylight, before realising he's merely stuck in the next tower to escape from. You also get to play as a lead character called Keith, which is quite an exciting rarity. New Star Soccer is a previously paid-for game that has undergone a complete refresh, with the developer making it a freebie - but adding in the scourge of modern software in the form of "stars" to buy with real money instead. If you can tolerate the effort needed to bypass fun games to download on android new emphasis on paying to progress quicker, it's still a staggeringly good game, offering a mega-deep football management sim for mobile. Frantic first-person missions set in realistic 3D environments are sure to get your heart racing unless you're a zombieeven on smaller screens. Cute critter Om-Nom in Cut the Rope is the Daniel Day-Lewis of puzzle games, with a BAFTA amid his haul of gaming awards. The simple premise cut the ropes to release Om-Nom's lunch sustains over well-pitched levels, packed with character and cartoonish charm. Yes, the insanely popular online card game Hearthstone has been squashed down to fit your phone or tablet screen - and it works surprisingly well. At its core, Crossy Road is an endless take on Frogger. The little protagonist hops about, weaving in-between traffic, and carefully navigating rivers by way of floating logs. Adding to your problems: Really, it's nothing particularly innovative, but where Crossy Road shines is in its implementation. Most importantly, the game itself remains compelling, with Sonic zooming about colorful landscapes filled with platforms, fun games to download on android, gold rings, patrolling enemies, dizzying loops and tunnels, and the occasional boss. If only all old fun games to download on android were reworked for mobile with such care. Level design is smart, rewarding repeat play, there are varied modes, and the controls can be resized and shifted about if the defaults require banana thumbs on your device. It is a bit ad-infested at times, but not to the point momentum is knocked. Fun games to download on android in all, Super Phantom Cat is loads of fun games to download on android furry fun. Pinball infused with the DNA of an against-the-clock endless runner sounds like an odd combination — but it works. It's also still compatible with the tablet and desktop versions so you'll be able to play against your friends on the move. Yes, the proper Scrabblenot some copyright-infringing clone that'll be pulled by the time you read these words. EA bought the license, tidied it up and stuck it out on Android, where it's a remarkably advert and in-app purchase free experience. It's been beefed up with a few new modes, but stuff like the ability to sync with Facebook and play multiple matches is actually exactly what you need. You also, in this free version, get ads, but they're not intrusive, and are easily ignored. If you're old, you'll be in gaming heaven; if not, the speed and carefree nature of Final Freeway 2R will finally make you understand what retro gamers are always wittering on about. In Rust Bucketa cartoon helmet with a sword dodders about a vibrant dungeon, offing all manner of cute but deadly adversaries — skittering skulls, angry armoured pigs, and spooky ghosts. They then proceed to leave colored trails in their wake, while gravity does its thing. Soon, you have planets clustering together, wheeling around one or more black holes, creating minimalist modern art while they do so. It's all rather gorgeous and mesmerizing. So far, so standard for a platform gamebut Hop Swap has a trick up its sleeve, in having you regularly leap below the ground. At that point, you flip upside down, jumping downwards to potentially finding more bling and new secrets. This is a right old gem. Badland is an abstract physics platformer kind of thing, where you play a flapping monster that has to navigate some gorgeous maps while listening to bird song. Power-ups and power-downs increase and decrease the size of your blob, also multiplying it until you control several of the things. Weird and dark and interesting. The original was so beneficial to furthering consumer recognition of both major brands that they made another one - aptly titled Angry Birds Star Wars II. Fun games to download on android Shelter, you create a vault and fill it with post-nuclear-war survivors, expanding your underground property, levelling up fun games to download on android dwellers, and sending them out to explore the surface left behind. You can jump, double jump and slide down walls, but that's it. You must therefore carefully leap past cartoon foes and gigantic spikes, grabbing fruit along the way. At various points on your climb are checkpoints, which can be bought with 20 fruit or by watching an ad. Before long, though, any complacency about Kerflux's apparent ease evaporates when additional waves appear and you're juggling four of them, trying to find the perfect combination that unlocks the next challenge. Although it visually and conceptually resembles a reverse Tetris, with you removing blocks from a tower, Six! Whether playing through set-piece levels or the endless arcade mode, Tomb of the Mask is a fresh, fun, vibrant twitch game that marries the best of old and new. In this arcade puzzler, the idea is to place as few dominoes as possible to reach a goal, while grabbing golden amulets along the way. It's fun games to download on android even in mobile gaming — frequently full of innovation — to find a fresh take on puzzling, but Kerflux surprises with a simple, original concept that's perfectly executed. A crunchy chip-tune plays and you're presented with three waveforms. In short, throw free coins at players, don't make anything pay to win, and add loads of tempting but entirely optional characters to buy. With Disney Crossy Roadanything could have happened, but this is far from a cheap cash-in. Cally leaps about, shooting and stabbing enemies in a gleeful manner you might consider unusual for a young girl with pigtails. The game's brutal, too, with a checkpoint system that will have you gnashing teeth when you die a few steps before a restart point. But the weapon upgrade system is clever keep shooting things to power up guns! We're always a bit twitchy about recommending first-person shooters on mobile, because pawing at a glass screen is no substitute for having a gamepad in your mitts. Your opponent, by contrast, will have a suspicious lack of decent pieces. As you improve, the setup shifts. Fun games to download on android free, you also get a daily puzzle and two attempts to beat it. But sometimes you must fend off a barrage of attacks from pawns or rooks, or quickly get to the king during a speed-run test. It's particularly in those against-the-clock challenges that Chess Runner bares its teeth, temporarily making you forget everything you ever knew about chess, before blundering into a bishop. InSega released a racing game called Out Run. Being that this was in the days before boring, gray 'realism' became mandatory for a number of years, the visuals were colorful, the controls were simple, and the traffic tore along at insane speeds, suspiciously all heading in the same direction. Final Freeway 2R is a loving tribute to Sega's title. You get the same breakneck arcade racing, forks in the road, cheesy music, and a car flip when you crash. Here, a cartoon train lurches along a track with more fun games to download on android in it than seems entirely reasonable. You must swipe in the appropriate direction to ensure the train turns in time, rather than crashing and providing the operator with a pretty good excuse for a cancellation. Timing is everything, then, but there are further challenges that reward exploration. To find the pet axolotls spread across the map, or collect fun games to download on android the fruit, you must fun games to download on android different approaches, which adds plenty of replay value. Speed chess players will have nothing on your deft digits in this game. With its cute isometric visual style, hoppy instadeath mechanics, and a range of characters to win in a semi-randomised lottery, you might be forgiven for thinking Down The Mountain is Crossy Road upended. While there are similarities, it quickly becomes clear Down The Mountain is a very different game to play. Even on the easy mode, you must think quickly, leaping left or right to avoid TNT, bounding cars, and vicious spikes. Along the way, crystals are there for grabbing, as are power-ups for a temporary reprieve against your foes. Mostly, it's the control method and design that ensure Road to be King is worth sticking with. Both oddly echo bullet-hell shooters as much as endless runners, and as you begin to recognise patterns in the challenges you pass, the game becomes a kind of zen-like experience. Finding your way to the crown is easy at first, but gets much trickier in later levels, when the board becomes littered with pieces and the pathfinding is no longer obvious. The visuals are rough and ready but full of charm. And most importantly, the level design is smart, making it a mild challenge to reach an exit, but a much tougher test should you want to rescue every chick. Imagine Tomb Raider reworked as Pac-Man, slammed into Crossy Road, played in fast-forward, and dressed as if spat out of a ZX Spectrum circa Recklessness here wins the day, since the mask bestows the wearer with the ability to climb walls and leap big gaps, giving him a fighting chance of reaching the end of scrolling caverns packed with deadly spikes, guns, and foes, and avoiding an encroaching glowing wall of death. If it all gets a bit much, there's a static 'zen' mode, where you fill static shapes with pre-defined tetromino sets. And when you're ready for action again, a one-off IAP unlocks three tougher variations on the main game. It's like she can't go for five minutes without her parents being kidnapped. It's third time unlucky for her in Cally's Caves 3 fun games to download on android, but lucky for you, because you get an excellent old-school platformer that costs nothing at all. There are also two multiplayer modes — a deranged real-time race and a more sedate turn-based affair. The free version of Super Stickman Golf 3 is a little limited regarding simultaneous multiplayer games and access to new courses, but a single IAP unlocks the premium game. You tap the left or right of your display to make your cat move or wall jump when clinging to a wallor double tap to dash which finds the ktitie hurling itself into the air on reaching an edge. Nitrome's fashioning quite the collection of smart Android games, which subvert existing genres in interesting ways. Platform Panic initially comes across as a vastly simplified platform game. You swipe to move and leap, and it's game over the second your little character comes a cropper. But fun games to download on android every screen is a tiny puzzle that you must learn how to solve; and then every game becomes a memory test, with you in an instant having to draw on your experience as each challenge — sometimes mirrored fun games to download on android is sent your way. Hop Swap is a fun, breezy game, even if it feels a touch stodgy and unresponsive compared to the likes of Mario. This third entry in the Super Stickman Golf series is perhaps feeling a bit too familiar, but the game remains the best side-on golf to be found on Android. You might think there's little new in Alto's Adventurewhich is essentially endless leapy game Canabalt on ice. Ostensibly, Alto's Adventure is a game about collecting escaped llamas, but mostly Alto is keen on mucking about on snowy slopes. You zoom down hills, catapult yourself into the air, and try to somersault before face-planting. Extra challenge arrives in the form of chaining stunts to increase your speed, and outrunning elders, angry you're having fun rather than sitting in a stinky llama pen. After three, you get a chance to harvest — and this is where things become more complicated. You get more points for harvesting many plants at once, which requires them to be on adjacent squares. But on harvesting anything, the soil beneath is turned over. Soil cycles between blue, yellow, and green, and groups of plants cannot cross different soil colors. The net result is a clever game where you must plan ahead, and where you keep digging for strategies to last longer and discover new plants to grow and harvest. The game runs at a constant pace, so all the player has to do is jump and super-special-jump at the right time in order to avoid smashing into the scenery. Obviously it's a lot harder than that makes it sound. After making a splash on iOS, Fallout Shelter is now available on Android for all you Wasteland nuts. Freeyou slide numbered cards around a tiny grid, merging pairs to increase their values and make room for new cards. Strategy comes from the cards all moving simultaneously, along with you needing to keep space free to make subsequent merges, forcing you to think ahead. On hard mode, it's not so much Down The Mountain as Down T— Oh. We all love a bit of Tetris, but Tetris doesn't love mobile — previous and current incarnations for Android are mostly hideous IAP-infused abominations. Objectively, Flappy Bird was a bit rubbish, but it did kick off a ton of 'tributes'. Most of them were rubbish too, but Flappy Golf very much isn't. It started off as a joke — the developer fusing the excellent Super Stickman Golf 2 and Flappy Bird mechanics. Fun games to download on android of aiming your ball, it has wings and you flap it towards the hole by tapping 'left' and 'right' buttons. For free, you get the original maze and several plays per day. More mazes can be unlocked using saved up play tokens — fun games to download on android you can buy more and remove the ads with various IAPs. World-building turn-based strategy series Civilization is a classic, but mobile versions have on the whole been a bit poor, offering neither the scope of their computer-based cousins nor the accessibility on-the-go mobile titles demand. Vector Pinball's laudably open, too — it's an open source game, and there's even an experimental editor fun games to download on android creating your own tables. Survive long enough and you can swap coins for upgrades. Like an escapee from Super Hexagon, but now stuck traversing endlessly shifting flat terrain, the heroic ship in Sparkwave only wants to survive. You veer left and right, attempting to remain on an evolving and disintegrating path, avoiding obstacles, and keeping your lunch down as the screen lurches and shifts. The dazzling art style and thumping soundtrack add to the game's dizzying but engaging nature; and although Sparkwave lacks Super Hexagon's elegant simplicity there are multiple tracks, unlocks and customizable optionsit also lacks its price-tag, making it a no-brainer download. Despite its cute graphics, then, RGB Express is in reality a devious and tricky puzzle game, which will have you swearing later levels simply aren't possible, before cracking one, feeling chuffed and then staring in disbelief at what follows. And it all looks astonishingly pretty on a big screened device. In this age of austerity and scrimping, we've all long since sold our last set of dominoes and melted down our Monopoly counters for scrap. That zombie shooter Dead Trigger is set in the dystopian future of is testament to its lasting appeal. Here, trains rocket along, and mostly towards head-on fun games to download on android. It's your job to drag out temporary bridges to avoid calamity while simultaneously sending each train to its proper destination - it's exhausting. From the off, Train Conductor World is demanding, and before long a kind of 'blink and everything will be smashed to bits' mentality pervades. GYRO is exactly the sort of thing we like - a clever new idea that makes the most out of today's touchable devices. It's a bit abstract. You are the circle thing in the middle, and you rotate yourself to absorb the incoming spheres, matching the balls with the right coloured segment. Shields and score multipliers then fire in, and, inevitably, it all gets quicker and harder. Win three times and you unlock Vegas mode, where you can try your luck making bets on your skills and, in all likelihood, lose a boatload of virtual money. Regardless of the mode you favour, Sage Solitaire's one of those seemingly throwaway casual games that manages to take hold to the point of obsession. The music dulls, as if you're underwater, and that's your signal to start manipulating two of the waveforms so they combine to form the third. Although you play games, few of them are about play itself, in the sense of experimenting with a set-up or situation and seeing what happens. Orbitthough, while presenting itself as a puzzle game, is more a minimalist sandbox where you immerse yourself in the delights of creating tiny solar systems. The game is played by slingshotting celestial bodies around black holes. Taken on its merits as a puzzler, Easy Joe World is lightweight. Most scenes are defeated by prodding at the screen until something happens, or flicking a few switches; only occasionally are you really tested. But as an interactive cartoon brimming with character, and with a hint of gaming on the side, Easy Joe World's worth an hour or two of your time. Flash game Gimme Friction Baby heavily influenced a number of mobile titles, each featuring a little oscillating gun that fires balls into a single-screen arena, said balls then having to be destroyed by subsequent shots. Only, this town is afflicted with strange temporal fun games to download on android that means subsequent journeys overlap previous ones. Adding to its smarts, Does Not Commute includes a storyline with multiple characters, playing out across its varied environments. The only snag on mobile: If that sounds like too much, a one-off IAP unlocks checkpoints. Still, he makes the most of it, bounding along, grabbing gems, leaping on monsters, and reaching checkpoints. At the end of each short stage, you head left or right to determine the next location. Obstacles are a major foe — blunder into one and your boat is robbed of momentum — not great when playing against the clock. But you must also be mindful of the arrow at the top of the screen. The twist is the game has 50 different ways of enabling you to do so, but each level provides no inkling of the required methodology. There's also the tiny snag of a petrol tank that runs dry alarmingly quickly. Splash Cars therefore becomes a fun game of fleeing from the fuzz, zooming past buildings by a hair's breadth, grabbing petrol and coins carelessly left lying about, and trying to hit an amount-painted target before the timer runs out. Very similar in style and concept to Xbox and Xbox retro classic Geometry Wars. In fact, one might legally be able to get away with calling it a right old rip-off. Android PewPew is a rock-hard 2D shooting game packed with alternate game modes. It's a bit rough around the edges and requires a powerful phone to run smoothly, but when it does it's a fantastic thing. It's far from the most sophisticated pinball effort on Google Play, but we're nonetheless very fond of Vector Pinball. As ever, your little stickman is charged with smacking balls about courses comprising floating islands, laser-infested bases, and space stations. You set your direction and strength, hit the ball, and hope for the best — although this time you can also add spin. Power-ups eventually enter the mix, providing opportunities to discover new ways to lower your scores. Zero points for innovation in Binary Dashwhich is another side-scrolling auto-runner where you tap to jump, and tap somewhere else to flip upside-down. In RGB Expressyour aim is to build up a delivery company from scratch, all by dropping off little coloured boxes at buildings of the same colour. Sounds simple, doesn't it? Only this is a puzzler that takes place on tiny islands with streets laid out in a strict grid pattern, and decidedly oddball rules regarding road use. Presumably to keep down on tarmac wear, roads are blocked the second a vehicle drives over them. Once you're past the early levels, making all your deliveries often requires fashioning convoluted snake-like paths across the entire map, not least when bridge switches come into play. Responses on “Fun games to download on android” |
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