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| Free tax software download![]() Home Download Support Payment Contact About Us F. Site design by Free tax software download. StudioTax is the pioneer free tax software in Canada. This is where free tax software started! StudioTax is made in Canada, only made for Canada and supported from Canada. It is important to note that, as per CRA regulationstax professionals CANNOT use NETFILE software to file tax returns of their clients. They must use EFILE certified software. Every year 's of thousands of taxpayers use StudioTax to prepare and file their returns. And more taxpayers are converting to StudioTax every year. StudioTax covers the overwhelming range of personal income tax scenarios from simple tax returns to more involved returns for self-employed, returns with rental income and everything in between. You do not have to guess what version you need or can afford. StudioTax is FREE for personal use with no strings attached: NO name, phone number, address, email, or credit card number. NO login or a need to create an online account. NO coercion to get you to upgrade or pay for other software or services. StudioTax installs on your computer's local hard drive, free tax software download your returns on your computer's local hard drive, and absolutely NO information, personal or otherwise, leaves your computer. StudioTax is scanned by 64 different antivirus tools and found to free tax software download clean. This blog also confirms the above statement that your personal information is safe when using Studiotax. Our business model is similar to that of a street performer. If you are not a tax preparer, then StudioTax Enterprise version will not work for you and you should use our free and fully functional NETFILE certified version free tax software download prepare and file your return. You can use and enjoy our software and later decide if the experience was worth it and you can afford a donation. To use our previous analogy, they are big circuses that send their clowns out to the street to attract unsuspecting customers to their tents and pressure them in paying for their overpriced shows. Please don't forget to spread the word by sending StudioTax link to your friends and family. Who can use StudioTax? StudioTax is made available for individuals who prepare their own tax returns or returns for a small number of relatives and friends free of charge. If you are a tax preparer, then visit www. Please note that the professional version is designed for tax preparers registered with CRA. Please visit the CRA web site to find out how you can register as a tax preparer. How about if I need more than 20 returns? The 20 returns limit is a CRA requirement. If you are a tax preparer, then get an unlimited number of returns by using Studiotax Enterprise. Can I import my return created by another tax program? Unfortunately you have to do that manually. Only StudioTax returns can be imported free tax software download StudioTax Note that StudioTax may not handle some uncommon tax situations. Please review the restrictions page for a detailed list of exclusions. StudioTax for Windows has all the CRA certifications and approvals free tax software download Netfile, printed returns, T and Auto-fill my return. StudioTax for Windows has Revenue Quebec certification and approval for Netfile and printed returns. StudioTax is a windows bilingual personal Income Tax preparation software made by Canadians for Canadians. StudioTax is distributed using a free licensing model. No license key or registration is required to download, install and use StudioTax. After you use StudioTax and you find it useful, we ask that you take the time to make a modest monetary contribution toward the support of this product. StudioTax is the version to prepare and file the returns due by April 30, The Mac version does not support the Quebec provincial returns. StudioTax free tax software download the Mac has all the CRA certifications and approvals for Netfile, printed returns and T Linux users may find this article from PCLinux Magazine useful. StudioTax is the most secure option to prepare and file your return. Unlike online applications where you have to trust a private third party for the security of your valuable personal information, StudioTax gives you full control over your security. Responses on “Free tax software download” |
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